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What is a facelift?

A facelift, otherwise known as a rhytidectomy, is one of the most popular surgical treatments available for addressing signs of aging in the face. Dr. Stephen Weber is a double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon who curates and carries out customized facelift procedures from his facility in Lone Tree. Over the years, Dr. Weber has become renowned for his incredibly effective procedures which preserve the patient’s natural beauty while delivering remarkable results.

Facelift Overview

Surgery time: 1.5 – 3 hours

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia, oral sedation, or general anesthesia will be employed, depending on the individual

Setting: The office surgical suite or ambulatory surgery center

Recovery: One week

Closeup of an older woman's face, hand to her neck, highlighting facelift in Denver

Who is an ideal candidate for a facelift?

Virtually all adults who seek to reduce visible signs of aging in the face or neck region are considered good candidates for this procedure. As with any plastic surgery procedure, patients should:

  • Be in good physical and mental health
  • Be non-smokers
  • Be free of any serious medical conditions
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure

What are the benefits of a facelift?

Two of the most common signs of aging are sagging skin and volume loss in the mid face region. Patients often seek out a facelift due to its ability to reposition, lift, and tighten skin on the face. Studies have shown that patients can take up to ten years off of their face with a rhytidectomy. As with any procedure, it is vital that patients choose an experienced practitioner, such as Dr. Weber, for treatment.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Addresses facial sagging
  • Reduces the appearance of creases and folds
  • Creates a more aesthetically pleasing facial expression
  • Can greatly reduce submental fat (double chin)
  • Can reduce jowls
  • Makes patients look as much as a decade younger
  • Gives patients a boost in self-confidence
  • Natural-looking results
  • Minimal scarring
  • Little downtime
  • A customizable treatment for patients of all backgrounds
  • Makes patients more photogenic

What can I expect from my Facelift procedure?

The goal of our facelift in Lone Tree is to give the patient a youthful, rested appearance. Throughout the consultation and procedure, patients are able to express any concerns and ask any questions that they may have. The consultation process provides all of the information necessary to curate a successful, customized treatment plan that will address all of the patient’s issues. Of all the types of facelifts that Dr. Weber performs, the mini facelift and comprehensive facelift are the most popular.

The patient’s skin laxity and the extent of issues that the patient would like to treat both need to be taken into consideration. A mini facelift is best suited for patients that are struggling with early signs of aging, while a comprehensive facelift treats aging symptoms that manifest at later stages in life.

How does the procedure work?

Most of the aforementioned procedures are performed in the office surgical suite. Local anesthesia and a small amount of oral sedation are employed to ensure that the patient is comfortable throughout the treatment. In some cases, patients may prefer to be unconscious during the procedure. If the patient desires, the rhytidectomy procedure can be carried out under general anesthesia at an accredited ambulatory surgery center.

Once the anesthetic has been administered, the procedure proceeds with the following steps:

  • Incisions are made beneath the hairline. These incisions start below the sideburns and go along the ear
  • The tissues and underlying muscles of the face are tightened and fat is restored to areas of volume loss
  • The skin is draped over the face again and the incisions are sealed shut using sutures
  • Once the incisions are closed, a dressing is placed around the face, providing it with support and minimizing swelling throughout the healing process

The procedure typically lasts about 1.5 to 3 hours.

Why choose Dr. Weber?

Double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon and owner of Weber Facial Plastic Surgery, PC, Dr. Weber is well known for his innovative cosmetic procedures that achieve remarkable results. Dr. Weber’s practice specializes in various areas of cosmetology, such as facial surgery, laser skin resurfacing, and non-invasive injectable procedures. The list of facial rejuvenation procedures that he offers includes facelifts, brow lifts, blepharoplasties (brow lifts), otoplasties (ear surgery), cosmetic rhinoplasties (reshaping of the nose), and facial implants (chin, jaw, and cheek augmentation).

What sets Dr. Weber apart from his contemporaries is his commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction. From the consultation to the day of the procedure, Dr. Weber gives patients the opportunity to express any concerns and ask any questions they may have regarding their procedure.

Call us today to schedule a facelift in Lone Tree.

Weber Facial Plastic Surgery



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